Tuesday 10 March 2009


Courtesy of Google Analytics.

Since I started planting some code on this blog on 7 March 2009 for
Google Analytics, I've been learning some very interesting things.

These numbers look small, but that's only because the Analytics has
gathered 36 hours of data, so just take it as it is.

1. Amongst the people who read my blog, most use either Safari (32) or
Firefox (26). Few use Google Chrome (5) or IE (10). (number of users
in bracket)

2. Top country by number of visits: Singapore, with 31 visits at 11s
average time spent on the blog. But top country by total duration of
time spent on site? USA, with only 17 visits, but 56 seconds average.

3. The total number of Windows visitors to my blog (i.e. Users of
Firefox, Chrome, and IE on Windows combined) is equal to the number of
visitors on Safari for Macintosh.

4. People who visit my blog use either Flash 6, 9, 10, or none. Funny
thing? 35 ppl use Flash 9 - more than Flash 10 users (33).

5. 41 people visited my blog once in the last 3 days. 6 visited twice.
3 visited thrice. Most alarming? 9 people visited the site more than 8
times. Or so Google Analytics said. Even I found this a little

Maybe Google Analytics is a little hard to understand in some parts
(at the moment, that is). But I must say, for a "stat counter", Google
Analytics certainly provides some neat features in a very clean UI.

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