Wednesday 21 March 2007

explanation for long hiatus...

here's why i took such a long break...

right now, as i type this post with my right hand, i have to think of

-codename "project vandalism" (2 kinds)
-syf choir central judging
-recovering 17.5h of sleep
-math project (SMO)
-fixing ties w/ tcz... (believe it or not, this has been on this list of thoughts for a year now... still no progress...)
-Australia Math Competition
-SYF rehearsal @ VCH tomorrow...
-SYF preview run-through @ sch hall tomorrow...
-solutions to some problems w/ discipline in d choir...
-SMO Math olympiad competition...
-Primary math competition...
-speaking like a German

nothing much really, so i blogged.(using irony to mock and convey contempt)

yeah right.

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