I should make my predictions!
This time, I'm going for a Bingo-style scoring system. Basically,
we'll see what's the longest chain of correct predictions I can get
out of 10 predictions. Like a Bingo game with a 3x3 square (I add one
because we're not in a square, are we?), 3 will be the passing mark,
and anything above 3 will be great.
So, here goes...
1. Steve Jobs will make an appearance.
2. Steve Jobs will speak.
3. There will be a new iPod touch with camera and more memory.
4. There will be a new iPod nano with camera and more memory. Oh, and
a new ad to go along with the product.
5. There will not be any new iPod classics.
6. There will be a new iTunes - iTunes 9, released on 9/09/09. Lots of
7. There will be no announcement on the tablets at the event.
8. There will be no announcement on the Beatles or the Yellow
Submarine iPods (shush!) at the event.
9. There will be talk on Apple TV.
10. There will be a Q&A session after the announcements for the media/
journalists/bloggers at the event.
Let's wait and see... just about 24 hours to go. Can't wait!
Other predictions not in the Bingo setlist:
-AAPL prices will fall.
-On a scale of 1-10, 1=extremely disappointed and 10=extremely upbeat,
this event will get a rating of 2.
-The likelihood of me BUYING* something they announce at the event is
(* - i.e.: taking out my debit card to get the new thing they
announce. iTunes updates are normally free, which means it doesn't
count unless they start charging)
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