Sunday 8 April 2007

Choir people should read this...

Here's a link to check out with regards to the rules & regulations of the choir Central Judging... ...

to summarise:

-choreography: not marked. So doing any such thing will not change our marks in any ways...
-they have our scores. they know our music. so sing according to the scores, coz it's the rules!
-8 minutes for choice piece. more than that? fine... 10% of your final marks.
-late? cut 5% from your marks!
-your choir strength should be x, where 30 < x < 80. if x<30 or x>80, minus 10%!
Marking: 50% Technique. 50% Musicianship. Total: 100%

0-59%: COP
60-69%: Bronze
70-79%: Silver
80-84%: Gold
85-100%: GwH (Gold With Honours)

No limit on number of schools getting a certain grade.

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