Friday 25 April 2008

Call me wacky, but it really works...

[it's gonna be geeky. Viewer Discretion is advised.]

I feel like Frankenstein tonight... Don't know how much electricity (both static and current) I exposed myself to...

I tried to set up an 'aluminum foil' parabola for my router because we had to move it to a less-than ideal location, since I had to swap the Ethernet cable joining the Router to the modem, and the signal lost after the move was drastic.

In the process, I exposed myself to excessive amounts of 2.4GHz radio signals, and I actually transmitted it using my body for a short while as I accidentally touched the foil, which was in contact with the wires joining the antenna to the router. Felt almost like touching a live coaxial cable that is connected to your splitter. For the non-geeks: try touching the cable connecting the Starhub connection point to either your TV or your Set-top box. Is it nice or is it nice?

Warning : daronfiles is not responsible for any deaths, injuries, or mishaps as a result of touching static or current electricity. Sorry.

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