Tuesday 13 May 2008

WWDC 2008 predictions...

What I think will happen during WWDC2008 Steve Jobs' Keynote Address...

1. Scott Forstall will be speaking more about the iPhone SDK.
2. Steve Jobs will announce an update to the MacBook [including the 'Pro'] line-up.
3. Needless to say: 3G iPhone.
4. Steve Jobs will announce an update to the Mac mini.
5. Steve will talk about OS X Lynx 10.6.
6. Steve Jobs will talk about '.Mac' services. and add new features to it. either that, or drop the price.
7. Steve will drop the prices on the Cinema Displays!
8. Steve or Scott will show us a Nike+ app for the iPod touch.
9. Firmware 2.0 for iPod touch and iPhone. [needless to say]
10. New Apple Mighty Mouse! [I've been wishing from day to day.]

Bonus: Front Row remote to be modified into some Wiimote-like device.

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