Friday 6 February 2009

blogger replacements?

Haven't blogged in a while.

Well, nothing interesting has been happening in recent times, so what do you expect?

A Prius?
A dove with messages of peace to the World?
or a blog post?

The answer: none of the above.

Ok, anyway, in case I didn't mention, I am in Jakarta, back from Bali. My 2nd bro bought a 360. The one with the new Jasper GPU, which supposedly doesn't red-ring. We'll see. But yeah, I just realised what kind of a n00b I am in Halo 3. Why?

Sign #1: I can't aim properly with my right joystick. Let along move while shooting at a moving target from near. Let's not talk about the big aliens in thicker armour.
Sign #2: I can never remember which button is to do what. E.g.: Which is for changing the weapon, which is for actually shooting, which is for dual-wielding.
Sign #3: I keep dying. Face it. I'm a n00b.

Well, at least I'm not hopeless. I can play DC vs Mortal Kombat.

Anyway, been chocking up driving hours this week. Let's just say I'm still driving as smoothly as chunky peanut butter  on sandpaper. That's the analogy I posted in my Facebook status. What did I mean? Well, around where I live, the road is quite "textured" with humps and pot-holes [flood-prone area. Not surprising.], so it's a rough road, like a sandpaper is rough. I drive jerkily. I'm the peanut butter. The chunky variety. Why? Well, I have a bad habit of pressing on the gas pretty deeply from a state where the gas is not pressed. This often happens after slowing down or stopping. Well, what can I say? getting used to driving Automatic cars.

Wow, this post is getting quite long.

Oh, I want a girlfriend. So, yeah. There.

Sent from Mail in OS X.
Geez, is this the kind of stuff I must post to get people talking on the tagboard?

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