Tuesday, 10 February 2009

half-marathon? yes!

I tried running my first half-marathon today.

Came across some problems - lacked water, needed to get a toilet break, got hungry towards the end, the air-conditioner was not cold enough, etc. I have to confess, I did make a few stops and paused my Nike+ timing. But, just so you know, I did run under 2h 30min in total, including rests. So, I must say, for a first time, I did pretty well!

Also, I got confused of how far a half-marathon was. I thought it was either 21K or 21.5K. I just ran past 21.5K just in case. Turns out, a marathon = 42.195K. Thus, a half-marathon = 21.0975K, or 21km 97.5m. Got it? I just did!

This achievement wouldn't have been made possible if not for God for through Him, all things are possible!

Up and on!

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