Monday 1 September 2008

74min 35sec:

I clocked up another 10K today! [Submitting this as my Nike+ Human Race 10K Virtual Run] w00t! feels great that I can improve my timing, although I was walking a lot more today, but nevertheless, I managed to shave 15min from my 10K run!

And after checking with the Global standings, I found out that my run is slightly slower than the average Korean [1:10' 29"] or Singaporean [1:13' 59"], but a hairline faster than the Shanghairen[1:14' 42"]!

Next Stop: Defeat the Taiwanese [46' 15"]! [I'm looking @ you, Daniel Limj!k]
ok. i still suck, but hey! at least I'm improving! it's only my second 10K of the year!
P.s.: Reading the timing: Read as h:mm' ss" or mm' ss". Timings are for a 10K run.

P.s.s.: Happy Teachers' Day!

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