Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Lost the lodestone? Get a cow!

Well, if cows can't do Math, at least they know their cardinal points and magnetic fields...

Reports have shown that when in generally good weather, cows point North-South.

You have probably seen how cows will tend to face together in the same direction in a field, usually to face head on into a wind (reduces heat loss) or sideways to the sun (maximize heat gain), but because the photos on Google Earth are so widespread and taken in generally good weather, it appears that cows have a "default setting" of north-south orientation when local conditions don't override it. [Source]

Yeah. Odd.

Oh, by the way, check out the names of storms and hurricanes done by the World Meteorological Organisation. Yes, the Hurricane names are coined up AHEAD of the storm itself, and they're recycled. Oh, they're in alphabetical order.

Storm names

The following names will be used for named storms that form in the North Atlantic in 2008. Retired names, if any, will be announced by the World Meteorological Organization in the spring of 2009. The name Ike was used for the first time in 2008. The names not retired from this list will be used again in the 2014 season. The list is the same as the 2002 list except for Ike and Laura, which replaced Isidore and Lili, respectively.

  • Hanna (active)
  • Ike (active)
  • Josephine (active)
  • Kyle (unused)
  • Laura (unused)
  • Marco (unused)
  • Nana (unused)
  • Omar (unused)
  • Paloma (unused)
  • Rene (unused)
  • Sally (unused)
  • Teddy (unused)
  • Vicky (unused)
  • Wilfred (unused)

[source] (active: as of 3 Sep 08 1.33am GMT+0800h)

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