Monday 11 September 2006


wanted to do a post at 9:11PM just now, but i was too busy w/ a conversation w/ zexun...

anyway, today marks the 5th year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the Twin tower in NYC. 5 years have gone... and the Freedom tower is to be built where many have perished. All because of a few crazy idiots who hijack planes and kill people.

Let me remind you, people, that terrorism is a crime. Never forget also, that merciless murdering is a crime (actually, murder is also a crime). Killing people is not a very "holy" thing to do. It's downright idiotic, senseless, ruthless, and downright outrageous.

Murdering and terrorising in the name of a religion is disgusting. It makes me sick that someone will do such senseless acts and call it "a part of the religion". I have no grudge against any religion. Only those who terrorise (and those who are pro-cannibalism.)

So, Let's stop terrorism.

(P.s.: Atomic bombs are weapons of terror. they are terrrorism, too)
(P.s.s.: People who download free music are terrorists too.)
(P.s.s.s.: People who buy pirated stuff, including those fake prada bags, are terrorists, too)

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