Sunday 12 November 2006

Reply to Zexun's tagboard

Ya... i have nothing better to do, except to read others' tagboard.

so, here goes...

I wrote this...
"Ron: lol, still got d "measles"? anyways, congrats on making CS:S your top Game of ALL TIME!!! Waste more time on games, man! time down the drain..."

What i meant by the measles was the problem of this weird, psyco called "spotted" on Zexun's tagboard.

so, later, LRY said these(read from bottom to top):
"LRY: sry for da triple posts
LRY: and downloading 2.0++ gigs for Vista RC2, or screwing up ya mac
LRY: I think playing CS is FAR MORE INTERESTING than watching people waste money stuffing mentos into coke and make a mini fountain that lasts 1 minute"


The reason why i installed RC1 in the first place is because:
1. I have access to it.
2. I want to look like a pro when Vista is out in '07 (or '08)
3. I NEED A COPY OF WINDOWS... and Vista is the only "free" version I have at the moment.
4. I need security, at the cost of stability. Besides, I don't do anything life-altering in Vista. ONLY GAMING.
5. I need eye-candy since I switched to OS X... Aqua and aero... ya w4t3v4.

Next, screwing up my mac...
1. I never screw my Mac. Macs don't screw up. They only do if you write a buggy piece of software in Xcode.
2. I RARELY touch Xcode. I install it on my Mac, but I don't use it.
3. Filling your HDD with Podcasts is NOT equivalent to screwing up a Mac. I do a HDD cleanup to delete old / unnecessary bits. From unused Apps, to untouched podcasts.

and for the last message:
I only watch the same video on youtube over one of the following frequencies:
i) Once in a lifetime
ii) Once every 3 weeks, stopping after the second time.
iii) over and over again for ONLY 3 days.
iv) Never

The ones i like more belong to group iii. HOWEVER, the mentos + coke one belongs to group ii).

Also, apparently, LRY is a friggin idiot who is ignorant.

Mentos and Revver had both been supporting the Mentos + Diet Coke exoeriment people financially. So, in other words, other than doing th experiment at no charge, they get to do fun things for free and be famous at the same time. the only catch: They need to have great planning and timing.

So, the last bit:

LRY: :)
Headshot: Hell, triple post or not, they're worth it. Hah to you, ronnie

My reply: No, guys. Haha to YOU. Jack on the face. And in the first place, ronny's my 2nd bro's name... so, i'll pass d message to my bro. forgot to tell ya: He's an ub3r g33k. Bachelor in Computer Science.

too bad my dad doesn't want me to pick the same subject... coz both elder bros hav the same cert....


Anonymous said...

Hello. I think you have done a great work. The post is very interesting and useful.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post and fantastic ideas. As Oscar Wilde told: “An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all.”