Friday 10 November 2006

The School year's over... Part V

Didn't know what else to say, but i knew i had to do a part 5. So i've been spending some time thinking... and maybe i shld start talking abt individuals as raymond, isaac and aaron have done on their blogs abt me as a reply to my "reflections".

So, off the top of my mind, i decided that to make things easy for me, i'll just pick 2 ppl...

Now, it was very hard for me to come to a decision of blogging abt this, being a "chicken" (in the words of Ernest) and all... but i'll just talk abt Choon Zhe & Isaac this time... (Raymond, you're up next in Part 6.)

Ok, firstly Choon Zhe...

Everyone knows he likes to use sarcasm and irony. We always like to joke that he likes *aherm... and he's just the cool guy that you'll get along well with as long as you don't "betray" him or anything... (Ya, you can tell I'm having a writer's block here coz i've not been talking to him for a year more or less... ). I've reflected, and I learnt that Choon Zhe does not like critisisms. The main reason why he feels I backstab him (i guess) is because I like to critisize almost anything. So don't make him cross.

And Choon Zhe, If you're reading this, I'm really sorry, but this is a testimonial and this is (after all) my blog... the rules around here is that I can do whatever I want as long as it is law-abiding (and not against the law). So, I will have to do a bit of critisism. That' the main reason why I blog.

Well, Choon Zhe has a somewhat stubborn and bad temper. He really meant it when he gave me the silent treatment. Not a grin when we meet. not a word, be it during class, or after class, or even after school. Well, to be honest, he did speak at most 20 syllabus to me over the past few months. and it was mostly because we had to do a project and there was no third-party to do the "Tell that guy i said this" thing...

So, i just hope we speak more than just 20 syllabus when school reopens next year... even better, more than 20 sentences...

After all, that's the way friends should be...


BTW: Again, I'm sorry about how I was to you prior to the silent treatment. Maybe I wasn't thinking hard enough...
nBTW: if you didn't like the blog post, Just tell me. I'll delete the post or edit out... I'm flexible.(ok, maybe not physically)

Ok, next, Isaac...

(I really should do these kind of stuff after drinking Choya or some teen-safe drink that makes people high . i.e.: Give you wings)

Isaac, I read your blog. Really really really appreciate the fact that you saw me as a kind person. It's just glad to know that one's hard effort does not go to waste and be treated as dirt.

Ya, err... Sorry If I made u look like d bad guy on my last blog post. You aren't bad... you're just kidding... like who doesn't know that... (heh... i guess that was me...)

in fact, you're a great person... You're responsible, considerate, understanding... just don't succumb to peer pressure (remember bout the chairman badge incident?).

ok, maybe i'm already high... so i'll do raymond's one now...

(don't feel like doing a part 6... seeing how many writer's block I ALREADY HAVE now...)

Raymond, i must say, u've got an interesting social circle.... u're very approachable and flexible...

to be up n front abt it, I think you have to stop being so self-pitiful. You have your "emotional" days almost fortnightly (i noticed). Maybe that's why you can't focus in class? You are your own distraction... You have to stop succumbing to your emotions...

Not saying that there's anything wrong with being emotional.. but don't let it destroy you. literally.

Do what I do when any setbacks come your way: Forget it. Just forget about it, focus on the task ahead of you, and finish it.

And in case you thought I had things easy, don't you remember I'm failing my HCL? I don't have any Mother Tongue except HCL. Had I failed badly, chances are I may not take HCL in Sec 3. Yet, I still remain calm, cool and collected.

And don't forget the leadership training:

"Whatever happens, don't show your tiredness. If you show that you are tired, your teammates will lose hope as well."

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