Friday 13 October 2006

Exam's over!

At LASt, the exams are over!

I "screwed up" the Art paper. Literally.

If you saw my exam script, you would be horrified.

I was doing my art THEORY paper.... Section A was MCQ on clay, B was artist appreciation on Vincent van Gogh. Section C was an on-the-spot design process development thingy...

I did section B first, then went onto the OAS sheet and did section A. Finally, Section C (because I know this will be badly done anyways... so doing it in a short period of time doesn't matter much)

In section c, we had to use markers...

marker ink can penetrate thru the paper.

Section C was the last page of the Exam script.

You know what happened.

I don't wanna say it anymore. It's embarrasing... seriously.

Anyway, now I have to look out for upcoming post-exam activities...

Bring on the par-taey!

\/\/ () () + !!!

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