Tuesday 10 March 2009

More awesome comic links

Ok, Before I post the links, I'll just explain why I don't just post the .png or .jpg files on my blog.

The site requests that viewers do NOT post embed the comic images on other sites.

As a person with respect for other people's works, especially this one which I enjoy and connect with, I am willing to give in to their request. So, knowing that, you should know how much I love the xkcd comics.

Anyway, thought I should share a few more links.

Network - For the people with several Windows PCs and NEVER PATCH THEM - let this be a suggestion to you on what to do if you get bored.

Cautionary - For people who are curious about Linux. (Hint: Raymond)

Blogofractal - For the people who have a blog, and regularly post things that get echoed along the echo chamber of the blogosphere. The content of this link should seem awfully (and creepily) familiar.

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