Monday, 23 March 2009

Vote Earth - A Reminder

On 28 March 2009, from 8.30pm to 9.30pm in every country worldwide, a global election is happening. A global election between Earth, and Global Warming.

You - whoever you are, whether you are the owner of a shop or a student with a personal room - you are eligible to vote.

Your voting ballot is the light switch.

To vote Earth, just turn off the lights in your home, your workplace, your whatnots.

But I say don't just stop there. Turn off other things, too! Your air-conditioner, your PC, your TV, your PS3 or XBox 360, just turn them off for one hour.

What else can you do? Log on to to find out more. Spread the word about Vote Earth. It's not just for the Earth, it's for a sustainable environment, for the survival of endangered creatures, for future generations, and for a chance to stop global warming.

The TV ad for Earth Hour 2009.

The Introductory Video on how Earth Hour began in 2007.

UPDATE: Like the "Lights-out" look? Blog skin updated!

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